Lawyer for over 30 years, he has an established career and a profile recognized and respected by the general public.
Throughout his career, he has established himself as an independent and renowned lawyer, intervening in the great causes of Society and Law, building a national and international reputation.
It stands out for its strong and consistent civic participation, in particular in the defense of fundamental rights and civil rights of citizens, in defense of the ethical-social conception of law as a means of achieving justice and safeguarding rights and as an instance of balance and advice based on ethics, shaped by law.
Lawyer linked to various areas of litigation, he has carried out an intense professional activity that focuses, above all, on the field of Criminal Law, especially in the area of Economic Criminal Law and administrative offenses of a financial nature. He also carries out an intense activity in the field of contractual and corporate litigation.
He intervenes in national and international arbitrations, also as an arbitrator.
Founding partner and managing partner of Rogério Alves & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, RL, being also responsible for the Litigation and Arbitration area of the Firm, since 2013;
Senator of the UIBA ( Unión Iberoamericana de Colegios de Abogados ), between 2011 and 2020;
Of-counsel at ABBC – Azevedo Neves, Benjamim Mendes, Carvalho & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados, RL, between 2010 and 2013;
Decorated with the Grand Cross of Merit, by the General Council of the Spanish Lawyers, having given the closing conference of the ceremony of the respective congress, which dealt with the Presumption of Innocence, in December 2007;
Honored by the International Union of Lawyers, for his fight in favor of Human Rights and for defending the prerogatives of the legal profession, in June 2007;
Of-counsel at PMGBR - Sociedade de Advogados, between 2006 and 2010;
Decorated by the State of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, with the Medal of the Great Inconfidência Mineira, by Governor Aécio Neves, in 2006;
Guest Professor of Forensic Rhetoric, at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, since 2005;
President of the Portuguese Bar Association, between 2005 and 2007;
He served on the Lisbon District Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, as President, between 2002 and 2004;
He served on the Lisbon District Council of the Portuguese Bar Association, as a member, between 1993 and 1995;
Lawyer in individual practice, developing his work with particular emphasis on the areas of Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Real Estate Law and Litigation, since 1987.